Friday 18 December 2009


In what ways does our media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Obviously the most important characteristic of thriller films is suspense and tension. We included this in our film by choosing a dark setting in the woods and using a smoke machine to create an eerie and gloomy atmosphere. The plot of the film being the burial also helped to develop this kind of tense feeling. We also encouraged our actress to act as if she was frightened so that the audience can relate to her and feel like they are part of the film.
Another feature of thriller films is to leave the audience with unanswered questions and to withhold crucial information. We tried to achieve that by adding the last scene where the audience doesn’t know who and where she is and who she is speaking to therefore leaving it on a cliff hanger.
We chose our characters and costumes in a way to represent the typical 1950’s American gangster image. The long coats and hats are stereotypical for the thriller genre even if they are not used very often in modern thrillers.
Our music both challenges and develops the thriller genre. In a normal thriller you would expect a very scary and frightening soundtrack. The music we chose contrasts what is going on in the scene. It’s a very emotional and almost sad soundtrack that suggests that something tragically happened. Therefore it develops the idea of bad things happening in thriller film to an extent that it makes the audience wonder what has happened before.

How does our media product represent particular social groups?
Our Media project shows a view of society back in the 1950’s. It represents the men as being the overpowering bad guy and the women as the more vulnerable, helpless social group. Our film represents this because the two people doing the burial are men and by burying a dead person it gives the audience the feeling that the two men have power and are in control. The female in our film however is scared and vulnerable. By running and hiding it gives the audience the sense that the two men are controlling her in some way.
Another social group our film represents is criminals. There are still many of these around in today’s society. The burial represents what criminal activity goes on in the world and how they act and dress.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The easiest way to distribute our film will be the internet using video websites like YouTube, MySpace, Veoh, iFilm, Dailymotion, Sevenload, Metacafe, SumoTV and Blip TV. This would enable us to reach a great audience from all over the world. The audience who watch this film are able to comment and rate it. This will give us a useful feedback to our film and ideas of how to improve it. If we achieve a good amount of views and a fairly positive feedback then we could consider sending it in to a British film company like DNA films or Film 4. DNA films is a big company which is known from films like ‘28 days later (2002)’, ‘Love Actually (2003)’and ‘The Last King of Scotland’. Film 4 is the production company of the TV channel 4. Famous films by this company are ‘Shaun of the Dead’ (2004) and ‘slumdog millionaire’ (2009).
To get further support we could apply to the UK film for funding as they fund small film projects and short films as well as big production companies.
We could also go a little bit further than uploading it to YouTube and sending it to a film company. To reach people through as many types of media as possible we could also make a few copies of our film onto DVD and give out free versions or sell them cheaply. The reason we’d pick DVD’s over other ways is because DVD’s came out on top when we asked people how they prefer to watch their films. Here are the results:

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The first thing to do was to think about the age rating of the film. When we originally were rating the film, we decided to make it have a rating for people that are no younger than 12 years of age. The reason for that was that we didn’t want to be restricted too much in the level of violence we could show. To find out more about the audience we could aim for with our film and to get peoples opinions about thriller film and films in general we carried out a questionnaire.
7 out of 24 people said that the thriller genre was one of their favourite ones. Out of these 7 people 4 were male and 3 female. This shows that thriller films can be aimed at a male audience as well as at a female one. Despite this our film will probably be more interesting for male rather than females as all are male and we produced the film under a male mind so in this case the gender of the producers had an effect on how the film turned out.
The questionnaire result didn’t show any pattern in the age of people who ticked ‘Thriller’ as their favourite genre either. But again we made the film as students of our age group and put our own ideas and views into the film which will make it probably more interesting for and audience of our age.

How did you attract/address your audience?
The first decision we had to make was whether to make our film in black and white or in colour. Therefore we added the question to our questionnaires “Do prefer to watch films in black and white or colour?” The results of this question are shown in the graph below.

This graph clearly shows that more people like to watch coloured films than black and white films. This helped us to make up our minds and we decided to make it a coloured thriller film. We are pleased with this result because the colours in the film look similar to those in old films because of the lights that we used.

As the data collected by our questionnaires also shows there are more people who prefer a male rather than a female main character.

This encouraged us to have two male actors in our film and only one female character. This woman is the “strong female character” that people demanded in their answers. The two men are the villains that are quite normal and unremarkable on the surface but twisted underneath.
We chose our setting as a respond to the questionnaire results. A lot of people described a “dark wood” as the setting they would like to see a thriller film set in.
“Good music” is another answer that many people gave to the question what they expected from a good thriller so we spent a lot of time choosing a matching and also moving soundtrack for our scene.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The new knowledge that I have learnt know let me use a camera with out just filming anything, I no a number of new shots and how to create a film in the editing software “adobe premier pro”. The apple Macs were also a first for me as I have never had access to one before. The set up is different to a normal computer so I was able to adapt to that, I then learnt to edit, slowly but shortly, this help me to make our film. Learning how t blog was a task I thought would be difficult but in the end found it relatively easy, and may use it later on in life (Alex Mutu)

The making of this film helped me to get a clear idea of how the production of a film works. Even if I already had a basic knowledge about how to use a camera, this project gave me the opportunity to improve this knowledge and get more experience in the use of a camera. I also learned that careful planning is very important.
The editing part of the film was interesting and new for me as we were able to use professional editing software ‘adobe premier pro’ and the Apple Macs. A haven’t worked with apples before so it gave me an insight into a new technology and I learned a lot in this area. (Anton Heil)

One of the things I have learnt about the technology is the types of camera shots. Although I have had experience using a camera, I did not realise that there were the amount of camera shots. I have picked up shots and will use them in later camera related tasks. I have also learnt about blogging. Before I started making our film, I had never used any type of blogging website. By using blogger I have learnt how easy it is to blog something and may use it later on. Editing is another piece of technology I have learnt from. Although I have not done a lot of the editing first hand, I have still picked up bits about it and how to use it. The software is called Adobe Premiere Pro and is used by many different people to make films. It is a piece of software that is based on a apple Mac. As these are different to normal windows based computers, I also learnt much about how to use them and now prefer them to windows.
(Patrick Henbury)

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Our preliminary task was to make a short film of someone walking down a corridor and through a door in to another room; this task helped me a lot with angles. Then the editing took me a while to get use to but once I did I was steaming ahead with different types of camera shots and edited shots. We wrote a story board which helped us with an overview of the task, so this helped me and the group with our future tasks. (Alex Mutu)

Our preliminary task was a short scene of a person going from one room to another and talking to a person in this room. This was to practise the camerawork and to get to know the editing technology. We tried to get as many different camera shots in this first film. Looking back I think that our final film is a much better result than the first attempt. Firstly this is because we planned it more thoroughly. We had a lot of discussion in the group concerning the plot, the characters and the storyboard this I think helped us all to get an idea of what we wanted our film to be like. I learned to say my opinion and use technical terms to describe my ideas. When it came to the filming we improvised a lot and did most shots differently than on the storyboard. We just tried lots of different ideas and than later decided whether it worked in the film or not. I learned to use the different camera shots that we had practiced in the preliminary task to create the kind of atmosphere that we wanted and which kind of props can be used to make the setting look good. We had to put more effort in the editing of our final film. To achieve the film that we have now we had to try different cuts over and over again and shift clips to different positions in the film to try every possible constellation and then to be able to decide on the best one. This gave me a lot of practise with the editing software. I’ve learned to use audio and video effects and transitions. Finally the research that we did during the project gave me an interesting insight into the film industry and knowledge about how real films are produced.
(Anton Heil)

The main thing I think I have learnt is the use of camera shots. In the first task, we were given a sheet with all the camera shots we needed written on it. We then practiced these and at the time I didn’t really no whether we were doing the shots completely right and they weren’t as good as they could have been. As we started doing our main film I picked up on all camera shots and can now film using them well and in a wide variety of ways. I haven’t learnt anything else in detail since the first task as these things were not included but I have picked up on better places to film and use of software. (Patrick Henbury)

I definitely feel that throughout the filming i have learnt how to use different shot for different purpose, how to use a shot to set the scene (a low angle shot to make a man not just seem physically big but powerful too.) also i learnt how to use lighting to my advantage, like in the shot of the woman, only her face is lit up, making her seem alone in the middle of no where.

I have also learnt allot about editing and the software used. it has definitely helped me to go on and make my own short movies, using effects like slow motion and adding different tittles and animations.

this task has also told me allot about the film industry, how hard and how much effort is needed to make a half decent film.

(Alex Diss)

(Patrick Henbury & Anton Heil main evaluation)

Thursday 17 December 2009

Questionnaire Results (Film Genres)

These are the results of our favourite film genre question, presented in a pie chart. The favourable genre was comedy with 20% of people choosing this. This maybe because we surveyed many students that fit in to the comedy age category. The least favourite was Western with only 1% of people ticking this box. 9% of people ticked the thriller box making it in the middle of favourite film genres.
(Patrick Henbury, Anton Heil)

Questionnaire Results (Key Quotes)

Thriller Questionnaire

What people expect from thriller films:

“A decent storyline that makes you think”
“A strong female character”
“Someone that doesn’t act like they have no common sense”
“A brave and risk taking character, who doesn’t bother with listening to the voice that tells him not to do something.”
“For it to make my pulse race and scare me, as well as it leaving me wondering when it’s finished.”
“Sex scene”
“A hot guy who saves the day or survives and really ugly wierdos who don’t.”
“Mysterious man & vulnerable female”
An “isolated”, ”dark” wood or an “urban, modern day” setting
“good fashion sense.”
“A twist at the end” / “cliff-hanger ending”
“Robert De Niro”
“Good ‘tensionful’ music”
“The very sweet butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth sort of character”
“Bad weather”
“A hunky man, tanned, muscular, dark, tall, browny greeny eyes.”
“Quite a normal, unremarkable (on the surface but twisted underneath) – villain.”
“Suspense” “nail-biting, on the edge of my seat”

These are some of the key quotes we picked out of our questionnaires as the these quotes from various people helped us with our film.

(Patrick Henbury, Anton Heil)

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Film title

I choice a film title which came into my head after weeks and weeks of thinking. I thought it would look good if it would be translated to a foreign language so I thought a French title "Le Defunt" which means the buried. I’m not sure about the title as I don’t think it goes with the film, I discussed with my group and they agree so we are now thinking of a new possible one.

Friday 11 December 2009

The Film

one of the main problems with our film was that we had a discusion about some alternative shots in the film which was of her running but the problem was that it was too light and the weather was differnt to when we filmed the other scenes, typical sods law, this also made us go over our allowed time, so we took out these scenes and put in other shots which were also on the story board(Alex Mutu)

Wednesday 9 December 2009


One of our ideas was to put a voicover over the burial scenes of of the film. This would mean that the main character starts speaking before you can see her in the police interview.
We decided not to do this because it would not harmonise with the music and the atmosphere could be ruined. (Alex Diss, Anton Heil, Pat Henbury & Alex Mutu)

Mistakes in the film

We have finished editing, filming and we are coming now to the end of our media project.
We have to admit some small mistakes that are in the film and we can't change anymore.

  • In the scene when they start filling in the whole one of the actors foot is moving whilst laying down inside the body bag.
  • In one shot they are filling the whole and in the next shot, which is the over-the-shoulder shot of Mairyn, they are digging the whole again. This changes the order in which events should happen.
  • Some of the shots do not fit the whole screen and therefore there are black bars at the sides. These are the shots that we took during the second part of filming. The reason for that could be that we used a different camera to capture the material or that we changed the camera settings in the second part of filming.
We decided to leave these errors in the film as they are not very obvious and and they don't destroy the atmosphere of the film.
(Pat, Anton & Alex D)

Friday 4 December 2009

Help and Advice From Others

  • Batman Soundtrack- Although picked by our group, we got advice from other and encouragement to use this as our background music piece. We got told that it worked very well with our film and juxtaposed the type of film it would have normally been played in.
  • Very first shot with the spade- We originally stuck the spade in the ground and started wiggling it about. We got told that it was too long and should just dig the spade in to the ground and then cut the shot.
  • Voice over- The voice over we have been advised to try it and see if it works. As a group however, we haven't yet tried it and are deciding still whether to have it or not.
  • Extra shots of the woman- We had been advised to add some more shots of the main woman (played by Mairyn Heather) so you can clearly see that she sees the burial and then runs to tell the police.
(Patrick Henbury & Alex D)

Filming Part 2 Problems

  • One of the actors had a haircut
  • One of the actors was not wearing the same clothes
  • Weather was raining but due to time we had to finish the filming
(Patrick Henbury)

Thursday 3 December 2009

Filming Part 2 (Thursday 3rd december)

Today we finished the filming. Finally we found a date when everybody was free and we could do the last part of our filming, including the scenes with Mairyn, after school. It was raining but not too strong so we hope that the enviroment doesn't look different to the first part.
These are some pictures we took during the production:

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Thursday the 3rd December

Our next date to finish filming is the 3rd of december. We will meet after school with Alex's dad, our actors and film the scenes with the woman. Hopefully we can get all the filming, that is left, done on this day. Our biggest concern is the weather which has to stay dry.
As we use actors who are not part of our media group it was quite complicated to find a date when everybody had time to do the filming.
Another problem was that the actors wont look exactly the same as when we filmed the first part. This could confuse the audience as they expect the characters to stay the same throughout the whole scene.
(Anton Heil, Pat Henbury & Alex Diss)

Friday 27 November 2009

More problems

We came across some more problems to film on the 25-26 November 2009
  • The first problem was that our female actor was not able to be filmed for reason i don't no
  • The second was that the weather was to windy and wet so our props would get ruined and the generator would not be able to run.
  • One of the cameras were malfunctioning not giving us the quality we wanted.
  • one of the team did'nt show up Pat Henbury
(Alex Mutu)

Main Story Line

The main story line to our intro of the film will be explained through out the rest of film, the story is of a woman walking through the forest and coming across two men burying a body, the next scene will be going back in time 12 hours to the start of the plot, it will gradually progress to the first scene again, this will be in the middle of the story then the next scenes of her running from these people and hiding, however these men know what she has done and end up hunting and killing her, leaving a dramatic twist to the story.(Alex Mutu, Pat Henbury & Alex Diss)

Friday 20 November 2009

Filming Part 1 (Thursday 19th November)

  • We were able to film at night time due to a good set of equipment provided by Alex Diss. This included lights, spades and a generator.
  • The generator however did cause a problem as it made a lot of noise in the background.
  • The part the group filmed was the burial and the digging of the hole.
  • We were not able to film the part with the woman in because the actress was not available.
  • The weather was good and we used a smoke machine in place of actual fog.
  • Unfortunately Daniel Atkinson was not avalible to film so Anton took his place.
(Pat Henbury, Anton Heil & Alex Diss)

PART 1 FILMING BY Alex Diss, Alex Mutu and Anton Heil

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Problems/Changes Throughout the Project

  • Weather: Monday the 16th November we were going to go out to Hedingham and explore possible settings. We could not do this due to rain.
  • We had planned to film on Wednesday 18th November but due to certain actors not being available we changed the date to Thursday 19th.
  • Even on Thursday we had to use some members of the group to act as again other actors weren't available. Anton will now have to be used in all the shots he is needed.
    (Pat Henbury, Anton Heil)

Monday 16 November 2009

Planned Actors/Actresses

  • Daniel Atkinson (One of the men doing the burial)
  • Conor Peters (The other man doing the burial)
  • Mairyn Heather (The woman who witnesses the burial)

(Patrick H, Anton H)

Planned Settings

  • Woods around Hedingham
  • The silent study room within Hedingham School
There is no more planned settings as most of our film is based within the woods

(Patrick H, Anton H)

Costume & Props planning

  • 2 hats (Anton,
  • 2 trench coats
  • body bag
  • spade (Anton, Alex M.)
  • smoke machine (Alex D.)
  • lights (Alex D.)

Monday 9 November 2009


  • We are planning to meet at Alex' house on the next weekend to start filming.
  • The last scene of our film is the only one we can film in the school during this week.
  • On friday the 13th November we filmed the last shot of our film in the school. We used the silent study room as our location. Mairyn Heather was our actress and she's going to act as the main character in our film.
  • The rest of our film from here on out will be filmed within the woods. These woods are located in Hedingham.
  • After school on Wednesday the 18th November we are going to film the first part of our film.

(Alex M, Anton H, Alex D, Patrick H)

Thursday 5 November 2009

Video Practise

Just playing with angles and shots. (Alex Diss)


This is our story board designed, discussed and drawn by (Anton Heil, Pat Henbury, Alex Mutu, Alex Diss)

Wednesday 4 November 2009


Videos that inspired us to our idea (Anton and Pat)


Tuesday 20 October 2009

Top 10 Thrillers

1) The Godfather (1972)
2) The Godfather: Part 2 (1974)
3) Pulp Fiction (1994)
4) The Dark Knight (2008)
5) Rear Window (1954)
6) Fight Club (1999)
7) Pyscho (1960)
8) The Usual Suspects (1995)
9) The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
10) North by Northwest (1959)

This top ten list was made by the famous website IMDb

(Pat Henbury)

Thursday 15 October 2009

Typical Thriller

What is a Thriller?

“Thrillers are types of films known to promote intense excitement, suspense, a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, and nerve-wracking tension.”
a thriller is characterized by "the sudden rush of emotions, the excitement, sense of suspense, apprehension, and exhilaration that drive the narrative, sometimes subtly with peaks and lulls, sometimes at a constant, breakneck pace".

Typical storyline:
The hero, who may even be an ordinary citizen drawn into danger and intrigue by circumstances beyond their control faces a more-powerful and better-equipped villain alone or in the company of a small band of companions.
· Jeopardy and violence confrontations are standard plot elements.
· The plot of a thriller is usually driven by the villain, who presents obstacles that the hero must overcome.
· The withholding of crucial information from the viewer is an important device

Typical music/sounds:
Typical music for a horror thriller would be high pitched orchestra or a low sounding tense music, and then in a typical thriller you get music with low tones and string and brass instruments.
Sounds for a horror thriller would be heavy breathing, load footsteps, crow screams and possible low talking.

Typical characters
Plots of thrillers involve characters which come into conflict with each other or with outside forces - the menace is sometimes abstract or shadowy.
· Often used/typical characters: convicts, criminals, stalkers, assassins, down-on-their-luck losers, innocent victims (often on the run), prison inmates, menaced women, characters with dark pasts, psychotic individuals, terrorists, cops and escaped cons, fugitives, private eyes, drifters, duplicitous individuals, people involved in twisted relationships, world-weary men and women, psycho-fiends, and more.

Typical settings:
· A typical horror thriller would be set in a abandoned village were e.g. zombies have eaten all the villages were as a romantic horror would be set in a city or a French alpine village

action-thriller, adventure-thriller, sci-fi thrillers, western-thrillers, film-noir, romantic-thriller, comedy-thriller

This pie diagram about the DVD rental share 2005 in the UK shows the relevanz of thriller films in the film industry. (Thrillers, 20.7%)

(Pat Henbury, Alex Mutu, Anton Heil)

Edit Practise

The whole group made mini films today, and practised editing them then posted them on YouTube. i found this task relatively easy as i have edited quite a few films before now. (Alex Diss)

As this was my first time i learnt a lot of new skills including editing sound, adding music and some techniques in to editing video clips(alex Mutu)

The short films we made a few weeks ago was just to practice the camera angles and get use to filming. SInce then, the film has benn uploaded onto an editing program. I've learnt how to edit and make songs and I have put ideas forward to the editing of the fillm (Pat Henbury)

The edit and film practise was a good experience for me to get used to the equipment and software we use for our thriller. (Anton Heil)

Wednesday 7 October 2009


We all started a draft on the story board including all our ideas and then putting it in to one idea, our final idea was decided so we are now drawing it up properly. When our storyboard is drawn up neatly and is finished. the group will scan it and then we will be able to upload it onto the blog. (Alex Mutu and Pat Henbury).

Monday 5 October 2009


My first idea of credits would be fading on to the screen and fading off, but as there are not a lot of credits we will have a time delay so you can see the credits and have time to read them.
One possible way would be credits over the top of the films so you see but the movie and the credits, and another idea is to have a separate shot with possible animated shot, but this would be to hard to achieve as the software is limiting us.

A possible idea how the credits could look like from youtute.

I think the best way to present the credits would be to have the opening scene of the film with the credits playing on the top faiding in and out like this.

(Alex Diss, Alex Mutu, Anton Hiel)

Thursday 1 October 2009


The characters at the beginning that are burying the body, will be wearing long Trench Coats, this will create a very mysterious look. The faces will not be seen. They should be wearing trilbys, which are flattened top hats, this will cover their faces, to make it more mysterious.

The woman will just be wearing casual clothes as u would every day, maybe some boots because she will be walking through the woods, with a normal coat.

In the police interview room, she will be wearing again casual indoor clothes.(Alex Mutu, Alex Diss, Pat Henbury, Anton Heil)

Sounds and mucic

The first sound would be the sound of a spade hitting the ground, then another and another, this is to create a question in your head as in to why are these guys using spades? What are they digging? A good idea for the beginning would be when she is walking through the woods a loud crow cry to create the effect of gloominess and tension. Then when the woman sees the people the dog will bark and draw attention to her, the next sound will be her running through the leaves with the sounds of voices in the back ground and her heavy breathing and foot steps. An idea is to have a slight music in the back ground of the interview. (Were still unsure of the music at the moment, and if we are still going to have music). (Alex Mutu, Alex Diss. Pat Henbury and Anton Heil).


A good lighting for the wood are would be a great fog, or mist in the morning or a light rain with a good canopy over the scene by trees, so it gives a good dark mood. Another idea is to have the wooded scene wit the guys facing the east so when the sun comes up u see the silhouettes of the people and the body bag, then when the woman walks past the sun catches her and u see her hair glare with the sun. For the scene after the credits the ideal lighting would to have a dark gloomy room, with just a bit of light on the woman face, or light coming through a window form the side.(Alex Mutu. Pat Henbury)


The desired location for the first scene would be in a wooded area; this would be because it would give a good atmosphere for the burial. Then for the second scene a good place would be in a police station interview room, but this might be hard to come around so a dark room would be a good idea, or an office. (Alex Mutu, Pat Henbury)

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Initial Idea

Our initial idea is to have dusk or dawn set scene in a wood with two guys, in long trench coats and spades, digging a whole to dump a body, the body bag is at the side of them. A woman is walking through the woods, when she comes through a bush when she sees this burial; you then hear her running and heavy breathing. Then cuts to the credits, then cuts to a blank black screen then an animated back ground comes on (we might not be able to do this as we will not have the correct software), you start to hear a males voice when he asks a question then a female answers, then credits start to fade on, while voices are still going, then credits fade away. Then cuts to a close up of the females face, then slowly zooms out and starts to reveal the room.(Alex Mutu)

I am taking the idea from "THE GODFATHER" when the opening scene is a close up of someones face then slowly zooms out to reveal the whole room. I will use this on the scene after the credits, because this will creat a good atmosphere after what she has just witnessed.(Alex Mutu)


we decided to do a thriller, before we did our own thriller we looked at many thriller openings and film, some being "GODFATHER" "CHILDREN OF MEN" "SIN CITY" "HEAT" and by my self I have watched many such as "PULP FICTION" "TAXI DRIVER" "RAGING BALL" " THE SHINING". After watching these films I discussed it with my group, we then came up with some ideas from these movies. (Alex Mutu).

We all started discussing possible ideas, we came up with many. Some of the opening scenes we thought of started with a crime scene, witnessing a murder, an invasion of aliens(sci-fi)and also a thriller mixed with a romance, where a cop is emotionally involved with a case. We finally came up with a final idea where a woman is walking through the woods, when she witnesses a murder, set in the woods, it then cuts to the credits with eerie music and the credits coming on as if they were fading on and fading off. Then you hear voices although the credits are still on, it then fades to a woman(the witness) of a close up of the face, then goes to a steady zoom out to them you see the whole scene.(Alex Mutu, Pat Henbury).

Tuesday 29 September 2009


We all started to research thriller movies today, to look for ideas about our own we looked at a few films including.

The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
The Dark Knight (2008)
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Rear Window (1954)
Cidade de Deus (2002)
Fight Club (1999)
Psycho (1960)
The Usual Suspects (1995)

Our personal favourite was defiantly The Godfather the intro we found really effective with the man face slowing zooming out. It makes the intro quite mysterious as throughout the whole intro you are left guessing who is this man, who is he talking to and where he is. It defiantly made me won’t to watch the rest of the film just to see what was going to happen with this man. (Alex Diss)